Engine components
Besides our wide-ranging knowledge and our years of experience in repairing and maintaining ship’s engines, we also have a great many engine components in stock so we can respond quickly and flexibly.
We make sure the components are delivered to the location as soon as possible and that the repair is carried out as soon as it can be.
We also supply just the components
We prefer to carry out the repairs and maintenance, but we can also supply just the components needed to carry out the repair. If necessary, we can provide support with this over e.g. e-mail or FaceTime. Northern Marine can supply components for a large number of engine brands, including
Abc Diesel
Why we are different
Our clients and partners are truly important to us. Putting the client first in everything we do and who we work with is embedded in our organisation’s DNA.
We want to achieve peak performance, so our clients can do the same.
The short lines and 100% dedication allow us to guarantee efficiency.
Truly dedicated
We ask for dedication from our client, but also give this back in return.
Our years of experience have given us specialist knowledge and skills.